Call for Papers

The Cloud-Edge Continuum is a new hyper-distributed computing paradigm that aims at seamlessly interconnecting and abstracting the computing power and storage capacity of the Cloud with the data processing capabilities of edge devices, IoT devices, and sensors. Intelligently balancing tasks in a continuum enables faster response times, lower latency, and more efficient use of network bandwidth. However, efficiently managing extremely heterogeneous Cloud and Edge resources is a pressing concern in real-world large-scale implementations. Such heterogeneity refers to differences in network capabilities, processing power, software stack, APIs, and security protocols across the Cloud-Edge Continuum infrastructure. This raises significant challenges for the network community to develop new and efficient protocols and communication services. Given the potential benefits of the Cloud-Edge Continuum, it is important to explore the current state-of-the-art research and identify the challenges and opportunities in this area.

The Cloud-Edge Continuum (CEC) workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss the latest research, trends, and challenges in ecosystems and environments based on Cloud-Edge Continuum paradigm. The primary goal of this workshop is to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among researchers and stakeholders. The workshop can provide a platform for participants to share their experiences, best practices, case studies, and to identify emerging research areas and potential solutions to existing challenges. By bringing together experts from different domains, the CEC workshop also aims to provide insights into how Cloud-Edge Continuum can be applied in various fields, such as healthcare, transportation, smart cities, and manufacturing.

Topics of Interest

We welcome submissions of original research, work-in-progress, and proof of concepts describing original ideas and presenting new directions. We invite submissions covering the aspects around the design, development, and evaluation of architectures, technologies, and applications for the Cloud-Edge Continuum, including but not limited to:


Abstract Registration

July 1, 2024July 15, 2024


Paper Submission

July 15, 2024July 24, 2024


Notification of acceptance

August 31, 2024


Camera ready version

September 16th, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal. Paper submissions should adhere to the IEEE Conference formatting requirements with double column and the font size must be 10 points. The length of the final paper with all its content (including references) must not exceed 6 pages. Papers must include author’s names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the PC. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop. The IEEE template available here.

Please submit your paper using workshop's CEC'24 HotCRP link.


Workshop Chairs

Steering Committee

Publicity Chairs

Technical Program Committee


We invite multiple EU projects working in the area of Cloud-Edge Continuum to present a poster in a dedicated poster session during the CEC'24 workshop. The goal of this session is to allow knowledge sharing among EU projects active in the Cloud-Edge Continuum research and foster collaboration among EU researchers and EU organizations from industry and academia. This session will help stimulate conversations and discussions on challenges and preliminary solutions in Cloud-Edge Continuum with real-world use-cases.

Note: As these posters are by invitation and not peer-reviewed, they will not appear in IEEE proceedings. Get in touch with the CEC'24 organizing committee, if you are interested in joining the workshop and presenting a poster on your EU project.

Keynote Speakers




For any question or doubt, please reach us at,, and


This workshop is supported by: